Central Skin Sciences Institute Privacy Policy

Information about our Organisation

The privacy of all our customers is of great importance to us at Central Skin Sciences Institute. This Privacy Policy outlines how your personal information will be treated. Note that all the information set out below may not apply to you. The Privacy Policy contains an overview of all possible interactions we may have with you and thus one or more of these may apply to you depending on how you have interacted with us.

For all our services, the data controller – the company that is responsible for the personal data that you share with us is Salts Healthcare Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales under company number 0007409

What information do we hold about you, why and how we use it?

We collect the personal data that you initially provide to participate in clinical studies/investigations within the Registration of Interest form, including your:

  • name
  • address
  • email address
  • telephone number
  • date of birth
  • gender

The law on data protection specifies the different reasons a company can hold and process your personal data. We rely on one or more of the following legal grounds when we process your personal data:


This applies when you provide your personal data and specifically consent to us to use that data.

For example: to verify you are eligible to participate in a specific clinical study/investigation and to contact you further regarding your interest to participate in future clinical studies/investigations.

When collecting your data, we will ensure it is clear to you what you are consenting to. You have the right to withdraw consent to any processing that you have previously given consent to at any time.

Legal obligations

This is where we need to process your data to comply with the law.

For example: we can pass on details of individuals involved in criminal activity if requested by law enforcement.

Legitimate Interests

This is where we use your personal data to enable us to accomplish our legitimate interests as may be reasonably expected as part of running the Central Skin Sciences Institute.

For example: We may ask you to provide feedback after the clinical study/investigation has taken place about your experience of the study/investigation to ensure we can continue to improve our services and processes.

Below is a breakdown of the types of information we may hold about you, why and how we use it should you participate in a study:


For what purpose we hold it

Name and Address

This information is essential for us to identify you and to ensure you can participate in a clinical study/investigation.

Telephone Number

This is essential to enable us to contact you about clinical studies/investigations.

Email address

We may use your email address to contact you about clinical studies/investigations and send you relevant correspondence regarding the study/investigation if required. Dependent upon your preferred method of contact, we may also contact you via email after the clinical study/investigation has taken place to ask you for your feedback about your experience.

Date of Birth

This information is essential for us to identify you and to also ensure you meet our inclusion criteria to participate in the proposed clinical study/investigation.

GP Details

This information is to contact your GP if you experience any adverse effects during the clinical study/investigation for duty of care purposes. This will be so appropriate care can be provided to you.

Medical History

We will ask questions about your medical history, general health, and current medication during the pre-screening to ensure you are eligible for the clinical study/investigation. We will also require information from you regarding specific allergies to enable us to safeguard against reactions.

If you are eligible for the proposed clinical study/investigation, a Clinical Research Nurse will be required to perform a health screen on yourself on the day of the study where your blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, height, weight, and BMI will be taken.

We may also share relevant information with care professionals, either through electronic or manual means. This will be for duty of care purposes if this is necessary.


We will also ask about your ethnicity as this will give us more information regarding your skin type.

Companies that provide services on our behalf

We share your personal information with companies that provide services on our behalf. We always ensure these companies give your information the same level of care and security we do. If your information is to be sent outside of the UK or EEA (European Economic Area), we make sure it will be subject to standards of protection and security that are as high as those Salts Healthcare uses. Examples of the functions that may be carried out by external companies:

  • Mailing houses and printers
  • Online and social media advertising
  • Survey platforms
  • NHS bodies, such as GPs and hospitals

With whom do we share your personal data with?

Direct Marketing

With your permission, we send you details regarding the following:

  • Event information
  • Upcoming Trial information
  • Newsletter

A trusted marketing company provides these on our behalf. You have the right to stop direct marketing and to withdraw consent to any processing that you have previously given consent to, at any time.

Healthcare Professionals

We may need to share your personal data with your GP or hospital if you experience any adverse effects during the study for legal and professional duty of care purposes. This will be so appropriate care can be provided to you.

Feedback surveys

Where you have participated in a clinical study/investigation, Central Skin Sciences Institute may contact you to give feedback on the study you participated in and your experience. Although this feedback communication may be sent to you by third party agencies on our behalf, rest assured that we only send your email address. Central Skin Sciences Institute will only ever share your data with reputable agencies in a safe and secure manner. All personal data is deleted as soon as it has been used. Keeping your data safe is our top priority.

How long will we keep your personal data?

All Registration of Interest forms will be kept by Central Skin Sciences Institute for a period of 2 years.

For all personal data collected during health pre-screen and screen checks, this will be kept by Central Skin Sciences Institute for 25 years.

What are your rights?

You have a number of legal rights relating to your personal data:

Right to be informed: Know how we use your data – which is provided to you within this privacy notice.

Access request: You can request a readable copy of the personal data we may keep about you. This information will be provided within 1 month of receipt of the request.

We may require proof of identity before providing this information.

You are entitled to challenge the data we hold about you and where appropriate, you may have the data Erased, Amended or Completed.

Portability: You are entitled to request that data you have provided to us and that we hold electronically is transferred to yourself or another controller.

Direct Marketing: You are entitled to stop direct marketing and to withdraw consent to any processing that you have previously given consent to, at any time.

If you would like to exercise any of the above rights, please contact Data Protection Officers, Salts Healthcare Ltd, Richard Street, Aston, B7 4AA or email dataprotection@salts.co.uk.

Note too that you have the right to make a complaint at any time to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), the UK supervisory authority for data protection issues. Details of how to contact the ICO can be found on their website: ICO Website.